Friday, February 17, 2012

Time Flies

Happy One Month Birthday Isaac Jett. I can't believe it's already been a month. My how time flies when you are having fun and when you are so busy you can hardly look up to see what day it is.

One month is looking pretty good on you:

-You are a good eater weighing in at 9 pounds 7 ounces. You are 22 and 3/4 inches long.
-You are sporting a little male pattern baldness and you wake up each morning with less hair on top.
-You are not so sleepy anymore and enjoy waking up to look around and hang out on your playmat. You especially like looking into the lights.
-You've got some lungs and you can BRING IT and often do every time we put you in your carseat. You are definitely following in your big brothers footsteps.
-You are only waking up once in the middle of the night--we are very grateful!
-You are sleeping in your crib, in your room, on your tummy. Such a little rule breaker!
-You make the sweetest little cooing sounds and enjoy talking to mom and dad.

And right now you are waking up from a very short nap. It's been a good month and we look forward to watching you grow.

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