Hi there little Isaac Jett. Welcome to this world and to our family. You've already added so much to our lives and we can't wait to learn more about you each day. We fell in love with you the moment we knew of you but that love grew enormously the moment we laid eyes on you. We've enjoyed cuddling with you, kissing on you, and just staring at you as you've transformed from a wrinkled up little newborn into a beautiful baby boy. In the 2+ weeks that we've spent with you, we've observed:
- You were wonderfully made!
- You love to be held, cuddled and kept warm.
- You don't so much love to have your diaper changed.
- You don't cry very much (yet) but when you do, you can BRING IT!
- You are a sleepy little dude and we have enjoyed the 7 hours of sleep you've let us get several nights in a row (we realize this might change but do want you to know that it's totally fine if you just keep it up).
- You like to eat and you bring tears of joy to your mommy every time you gain even an ounce.
- You're tough--your big brother is rough and you've taken the blows like a champ. Even the tongs that landed upside your head seemed like no big deal to you. Noah does love you and he's given you several kisses to show it.
- You are LOVED!
Isaac Jett arrived January 18th at 8:23am. 7lbs 7oz, 21 inches.
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