Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A Little Sleep With My Wine

Just a little warning to you before you start reading. This post is going to sound a lot like whining and in fact it is just that--me whining. Ben and I have come to the conclusion that while we make really cute babies, we are clearly not capable of making babies that sleep. Our last several hours have been a wee bit sleep deprived and looked a little bit like this:

10:30pm--sleeping baby
2:00am--awake baby
4:35am--sleeping baby
5:10am--awake baby
5:10am--7:00am--baby dozing in and out of sleep but mostly out
8:45am--sleeping baby
9:15am--awake baby
12:00pm--sleeping baby
12:30pm--awake baby
1:50pm--sleeping baby
2:00pm--sleeping mommy and sleeping big brother
3:45:--awake big brother
4:00pm--awake baby
5:30-6:15pm--baby sleeping on mommy while mommy ate dinner
7:38pm--sleeping baby
8:07pm--awake baby
8:16pm--sleeping baby after some begging and pleading by mommy
RIGHT NOW--sleeping baby. hopeful and tired mommy.

For a girl that loves (LOVES) cheese this is a bold statement but I would take sleep over cheese with my wine any day. Here's hoping for a better 24hours. Goodnight (almost).
My attempt to get everyone sleeping at the same time.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Squeezy Fruit

The newest thing to hit the Thorpe house other than Isaac is a little something we like to call Squeezy Fruit. If you've got a little one you have probably seen those little squeezable fruit pouches. We first encountered them in a Chick-fil-a kids meal and Noah LOVED it. It was during one of those typical toddler periods when we couldn't get the child to eat anything. So, Ben immediately went to the store and bought a few. I loved that Noah was eating something but didn't like that they were so expensive (about $1 each) or that they are so wasteful (a lot of materials are used to make that little pouch of pureed fruit). We purchased them one more time when Noah was sick as it was one of the few things he would eat. After that I told Ben, "no more, we have to come up w/ a homemade solution". We started brainstorming and stumbled upon the Hydrapak Softflask--a collapsable energy gel and drink flask--and it's almost perfect. Then we discovered that Ben could get them through one of their suppliers at work. Bonus!

It took a couple of tries but Noah has really taken to them and is trying pretty much anything we put in them. Today he had one filled with apples, peaches, strawberries, blueberries, and spinach. We also use it for applesauce or yogurt (either plain or mixed w/ pureed fruit). A couple of our friends have started using them too and they have been able to get their little one to eat carrots, peas, prunes and all sorts of other good stuff.

Now for the pros and cons:

-Less expensive and less wasteful than pureed fruit pouches in store
-Easy on the go breakfast or snack.
-Not messy. It has a bite valve so it doesn't just pour out when it's squeezed
-Your kids might eat fruits and vegetables they typically wouldn't eat
-Comes in 2 sizes: 5oz and 8 oz (we prefer the 5oz most of the time but 8oz is great for bigger eaters and for a breakfast smoothie)
-Relatively easy to clean. It comes completely apart and all the pieces can be cleaned with a little soap and water. We've found that using the combination of a bottle brush and a nipple brush make it really easy to clean.
-Fun--Noah really enjoys his and will ask for his "squeezy fruit"

-Cost--they range from about $5-$8 per pouch. Small investment on the front end if you want a couple.
-Bite valve may be difficult for your kids. Noah figured it out quickly. Most of his sippy cups have some type of bite valve and are harder to drink from than this.
-Fruit needs to be pureed really well. Large chunks can clog the valve.
-Pouches are clear. I think kids would have even more fun if they had a kid-friendly design on the outside plus we could put even more "green stuff" in them w/out our kids being turned off by the color.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Time Flies

Happy One Month Birthday Isaac Jett. I can't believe it's already been a month. My how time flies when you are having fun and when you are so busy you can hardly look up to see what day it is.

One month is looking pretty good on you:

-You are a good eater weighing in at 9 pounds 7 ounces. You are 22 and 3/4 inches long.
-You are sporting a little male pattern baldness and you wake up each morning with less hair on top.
-You are not so sleepy anymore and enjoy waking up to look around and hang out on your playmat. You especially like looking into the lights.
-You've got some lungs and you can BRING IT and often do every time we put you in your carseat. You are definitely following in your big brothers footsteps.
-You are only waking up once in the middle of the night--we are very grateful!
-You are sleeping in your crib, in your room, on your tummy. Such a little rule breaker!
-You make the sweetest little cooing sounds and enjoy talking to mom and dad.

And right now you are waking up from a very short nap. It's been a good month and we look forward to watching you grow.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Surviving--Two Under Two

Phew! Here we are four weeks in as a family of four and I'm happy to say that we are surviving! Our house is a mess, showers and baths don't always happen, the piles of laundry and dishes are mountainous, we can barely hold our eyes open and our boys are often screaming at the same time (especially between the hours of 5pm-7pm; dinner anyone?). Frazzled--absolutely! But, we are alive and finding ways to maintain our sanity and doing our best to cherish and not wish these hard newborn days away. We are also trying to remember what love is and are trying to continue to love each other and our boys well.

We are surviving because...

-Our family is amazing: Yesterday was the first day I was home alone with both boys. Our family has loved us and come to our rescue more that we could imagine.
-Our friends are incredible: We've been showered with diapers and meals. In fact, I will not have to cook a single dinner this week.
-Cars and Sesame Street are God-sends: Truly, I'm convinced of this. Nursing and/our pumping with a 16 month old running around is nearly impossible and can actually be quite dangerous (Isaac was whacked upside the head w/ kitchen tongs during one such time). I believe we are on our 40th episode of Sesame Street and I can't even tell you how many times I've seen Cars. This coming from a house that rarely turns on the t.v.
-Chocolate: We have consumed lots of brownies, M&Ms, etc. and it helps.
-We have Sound Machines: Our upstairs sounds a lot like a rainforest but they keep sleeping boys sleeping.
-Our car stereo can get LOUD: We have been blessed with two little carseat haters. Just this afternoon I drove out of Noah's school parking lot, windows down, two screaming children in tow, and the radio blaring as loud as it could go. While I think at least one of them stopped screaming on the way home, it didn't really matter b/c I was groovin'.
-Swaddle Blankets--REALLY BIG Swaddle Blankets: We definitely believe in swaddling and have calmed many a screaming baby burrito using this technique. Noah even asked to be swaddled the other day. Yes, I managed to successfully swaddle him and carry him upstairs for his nap. It was hysterical and I should have (but didn't) taken a picture.
-Of GRACE: Grace from our children who wake up every morning loving us and trusting us to take care of them regardless of the number of times we screwed up the day before. Grace from my husband who continues to forgive me when I lose my patience or when I growl not-so-nice things at midnight and then again at 3am and then again at 6am. Grace from my Heavenly Father whose strength is made perfect in my weakness. (2 Corinthians 12:9)
-Because of Love: I have a husband who loves me and lives and believes that:

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. (1 Corinthians 13:4-7)

How we are doing dishes these days.

Pumping w/ a 16 month old.

Proof that our house is a mess.

A not-so-current picture of Isaac. We will get day!

Friday, January 27, 2012

It's Nice to Meet You Isaac Jett

Hi there little Isaac Jett. Welcome to this world and to our family. You've already added so much to our lives and we can't wait to learn more about you each day. We fell in love with you the moment we knew of you but that love grew enormously the moment we laid eyes on you. We've enjoyed cuddling with you, kissing on you, and just staring at you as you've transformed from a wrinkled up little newborn into a beautiful baby boy. In the 2+ weeks that we've spent with you, we've observed:

- You were wonderfully made!
- You love to be held, cuddled and kept warm.
- You don't so much love to have your diaper changed.
- You don't cry very much (yet) but when you do, you can BRING IT!
- You are a sleepy little dude and we have enjoyed the 7 hours of sleep you've let us get several nights in a row (we realize this might change but do want you to know that it's totally fine if you just keep it up).
- You like to eat and you bring tears of joy to your mommy every time you gain even an ounce.
- You're tough--your big brother is rough and you've taken the blows like a champ. Even the tongs that landed upside your head seemed like no big deal to you. Noah does love you and he's given you several kisses to show it.
- You are LOVED!

Isaac Jett arrived January 18th at 8:23am. 7lbs 7oz, 21 inches.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Labor Strike

It seems that our little Isaac is putting a new spin on the phrase Labor Strike. These last few days at the Thorpe house have been both exciting and extremely uneventful at the same time. This is what has transpired:

Wednesday: Routine weekly doctor's appointment turns stressful when my blood pressure is up and doc tells me she thinks I should go to hospital for observation and possible induction. Ben's not with me at this appointment, my cell phone is dead, and I'm simply not ready to have this baby. Outcome: I cut a deal with the doctor that I will continue to check my b.p. and call if it continues to be high. She thinks I'm going to have this baby in a few days anyways.

Thursday: Ben's birthday. Post birthday dinner and cake I decide to hold up my end of the bargain and check b.p. It's high...again. I call doc and she tells us to go to hospital. Spend two hours in hospital hooked up on monitors. All is normal and I get sent home around 11:30 pm.

Friday: Back to work. Terrible back pain all morning followed by strong contractions that grow close together by 2ish. Call Ben and we both head home. Get home, mentally prepared to go BACK to the hospital. Take a relaxing bubble bath...labor stops.

Saturday: Contractions off and on, lots of walking and unnecessary trips---Walmart, Kohl's Home Depot, etc. Trying to make this thing happen...Nothing. Family squat session (wish I would have taken video as Noah was really into it and absolutely hysterical)...still NOTHING. Meanwhile b.p. is still on the high side but doc thankfully thinks it isn't a big deal.

Saturday Night: Convinced Isaac has decided to go on labor strike. Snapped a few pictures of nursery updates and have now determined I should just go to bed. We will try again tomorrow.

We look forward to introducing you to our newest addition sometime in the days ahead. Until then, here a some photos of the little space that will be his room.