It's been a good week, but nothing incredibly exciting to share. While I don't have much to say about our week, our little one is saying A LOT these days. Ben and I decided that it would be fun to take the time and write down all the words Noah is saying. A little list to come back to when we take a trip down memory lane.
Up. Wow. Guitar (sounds like gar). Mama. Dada. Thank you (sounds like tank you). Please (lots of spit flying w/ this one). Hello. Yes. All Gone. Circle. Go go. Spoon. Balloon (sounds like ba-ewn). Tree. Cheese (lots of spit here too). Cookie. Fork (or gork). Fish (a whole lot of spit). Star. Socks. Shoe. Yellow. Purple. Bye bye. Love you (buv you). Three. Down. Eye (usually as he's poking yours out). Wall. Hot. Grandma (gam-ma). Nona. Pooh (as in Winnie). Car. Night night. Again. More. Trash. Jack (boy in his class). Yuck (accompanied by food coming back out of his mouth). School (he loves that place). Elmo. Banana (sounds like nana). Ball (his first word). Apple (or bapple). Bottle. Bath. Duck. Uh-oh. Crash (as he rams his truck into other objects). Rock, rock. Cheerio (ear-e-o).
We can't imagine what he will be saying in just a few months/years. So we decided to try to imagine what he will look like instead.

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