Last week we were fortunate to have a babysitter (thank you, Nona) and go on a date to see my little brother Zach's high school football game. For those of you following Gwinnett County sports, you know that this game of Brookwood vs Parkview was epic. Epic to the point that I'm surprised it didn't send me into premature labor...Seriously! Four lead changes and four touchdowns in the last TWO minutes finally resulted in a Brookwood win. So, as you can imagine, we are totally bummed we will miss this week's game (it's another BIG ONE)! But with no babysitter and a little boy with an early bedtime who thinks football stadiums are a giant buffet we will be watching this one from home on TV. We learned about the buffet thing a couple of months ago when we went to watch Zach at the GA Dome. Noah took Golden Corral's "Help yourself to happiness" motto to heart and was feasting--and I do mean feasting--on everyone in Atlanta's leftover cokes, popcorn, nachos, etc. that were right at his level on the stadium floor. I did what I could, but thank goodness I'm not a germ-a-phobe. Excited about tonight's Brookwood vs Grayson game and to honor his Uncle Z, Noah decided to wear his new favorite shirt. Zach, we want you to know we are proud of you and are cheering you on tonight! And now to borrow some words from the Brookwood rap video going viral--Grayson our little rapper leaves you with this: "... I count sheep in my sleep so I ain’t scared of no ram."